Monday, February 02, 2009

Marisa Tomei Dating Logan Marshall Green, 12 Years Younger

Marisa Tomei at Golden Globe Awards, January 2009, with Logan Marshall Green

The 44-year-old actress has been dating the 32-year-old actor.


Anonymous said...

I.......dated him, and he is a jerk- probably with her for the publicity of it all.....

Anonymous said...

I hope that Marisa is happy and that Logan is not dating her because of the publicity. If it is true from the annonymous that she dated him and Logan is a jerk, I hope Marisa dumps him. She is a MOVIE STAR AND IS STUNNING AND DESERVES SOMEONE BETTER THAN A JERK.

I hope that one day that a movie is done about the MOBSTER HUSBAND I HAD TO ENDURE AND THE HELL HE PUT ME THROUGH AND I WOULD CHOOSE MARISA AS THE ACTRESS TO PLAY ME. I also look much younger than my age and I like younger men. I would date a guy 5 or 7 years younger-NOT 12 YEARS YOUNGER.

Anonymous said...

Bull x2

Anonymous said...

HE IS SO HOTT!!! <333